Example of Issuer Portal

Understand and engage with your shareholders at scale.

Say Connect allows you to leverage our network of over 25 million investors to communicate with and gain insight from your retail shareholders

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Example of Issuer Portal
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Issuer Portal Q&A Experience

Streamline answering shareholder inquiries with Shareholder Q&A

It’s never been easier to address shareholders in a controlled, productive manner at scale.

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    How it works

    Q&A can be used for earnings calls, fireside chats, investor days, and more. They’re visible to the general public, but participation is limited to verified shareholders. Q&As open and close before your actual event, giving you plenty of time to prepare your responses.

  • Checkbox

    Why it matters

    Your shareholders likely have similar questions and concerns. Shareholder Q&A allows you to uncover those topics and address them all at once to maximize the number of satisfied shareholders with minimal time invested.

Use Q&A for your next event
Issuer Portal Q&A Experience
Shareholder Messages Workflow
Shareholder Messages Workflow

Use Shareholder Messages to directly connect with your shareholders

Send custom messages to your shareholders with business updates, event invites, product announcements, proxy voting materials, and more.

Send Messages to your shareholdersShareholder Messages Workflow
Example of Shareholder NetworkBackground ImageGraph Icon

Gain deep insight into your shareholders with Issuer Portal

See how your story resonates with shareholders in Issuer Portal. Learn who your top shareholders are, what they are engaging with, and what they care about.

Book a demo
Example of Shareholder Network

Connect with and better understand your retail shareholders

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